105 идеи из пластиковых бутылок/ 105 DIY plastic bottle projects

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В нашем Instagram публикуются периодически анонсы и фото процесса работы: www.instagram.com/romanursu/ @romanursu @zoomdiy
В нашей группе Вконтакте Вы можете самостоятельно опубликовать, фото ваших самоделок, идеи. А также вы можете задать вопросы автору или сообществу если что то не получается. Мы вас поддержим и не бросим в беде): vk.com/romanursu
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Для тех кто в тренде есть Tik Tok к удивлению он у нас быстро растет!) Значит мы классные:) Залетайте: @zoomdiy
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How Strong is a STEEL HAMMER? Hydraulic Press Test!

Check out a free trial of Wondershare Filmora X here: bit.ly/2W94IiA
How strong are steel, wood, rubber or plastic hammers? We are going to use our 150 ton hydraulic press and 150 ton force sensor to find out! Dont try this at home! Crushing steel hammers is really dangerous and they can explode!
Our second channel www.youtube.com/channel/UCveB47lgzZJ1WOf4XYVJNBw

Our fan shop www.printmotor.com/hydraulicpresschannel/

www.facebook.com/officialhpc/ www.instagram.com/hydraulicpresschannel

Do not try this at home!!! or at any where else!!!

Music Thors Hammer-Ethan Meixell

1 Hour Oddly Satisfying Video that Relaxes You Before Sleep - Most Satisfying Videos 2020

Thank you for watching to these Oddly Satisfying Videos
Watch more: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUZIEtyuXzCNcXaGlIMqXJ3DBRI8CsY0B

Oddly Satisfying Videos are videos where you will be pleased by the amount of satisfaction there is in a single video.

We have compiled the best and most satisfying videos for you!
If you enjoy these videos please like, comment and subscribe!


Check out these videos

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#oddly #satisfaction

All content that is uploaded is licensed by WannerDigital Media BV

3 Hours Oddly Satisfying Video that Relaxes You Before Sleep - Most Satisfying Videos 2020 No Music

Thank you for watching to these Oddly Satisfying Videos
Watch more: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUZIEtyuXzCNcXaGlIMqXJ3DBRI8CsY0B

Oddly Satisfying Videos are videos where you will be pleased by the amount of satisfaction there is in a single video.

We have compiled the best and most satisfying videos for you!
If you enjoy these videos please like, comment and subscribe!


Check out these videos

#oddlysatisfying #oddlysatisfyingvideos #satisfying
#oddly #satisfaction

All content that is uploaded is licensed by WannerDigital Media BV

Music is licensed by Wanner Digital Media and or Epidemic Sound

Some content is licensed by Pusic Entertainment B.V


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Группа VK vk.com/public169721527
Инста www.instagram.com/crazy_russian_experiments

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